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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can you guess what veggie I look like?

If you must know...I look like a tomato right know, sigh. The kids and I were at the park with friends for a few hours yesterday and it was unbearably hot, about 104 degrees F (40C) and no breeze. My face, arms, shoulders, and back are red. The skin is flaking off my shoulders. Will I get cancer now?? The best part about being in the heat for hours is to then get into my very hot car with no ac. I was nearly dead when I came home, took a long nap and drank gallons of water. I don't have any pictures because my camera has been mysteriously missing for a few days, great.

Anyone know php? I'm trying to install various plugins to my blog. I managed to do a couple but the rest I could absolutely not do because I'm not familiar with templates and php. I hate being stuck and I doubt I can find someone to help me. I asked questions on the support forum but the replies were not very helpful. So I guess my archives will continue to look a mess. Good luck finding my previous posts (not that there are many).

The kids' swim classes are over. They did so good. Hakeem can swim a little bit and Javari jumped off the diving board for the first time. Now there are no more classes or anything structured until the end of August. I hope we'll survive with just playdates!

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