Blog background

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I have moved!

I'm all done moving my blog to Blogger. It will be easier and faster to upload pictures now. I like the design template I found (my background). Just wish it was wider in the middle, it's really made for one column. But this will do for now. Hopefully one day soon I can make my own design. I seriously need to take a new picture of myself. That picture on the right is OLD. It was taken at our wedding eight years ago. LOL I'm probably too old to take a picture with a tiara now but maybe I'll do it just for fun. :) Oh, and I'm trying to make my domain point here but customer support at my old host are extremely slow with responding or don't respond at all. 

We went to Krispy Kreme two days ago. I will post some pictures from there in my next post probably. Tomorrow we're going bowling and then we have to go by Javari's preschool and drop off some papers. He starts in two weeks! :) And Hakeem starts second grade. I'm looking forward to some alone time with my baby.

Baby Dequan

I took these pictures of Dequan at the park last week. He was in all of these moods in under three minutes, starting with crying and ending with laughing. :)

Baby Hakeem

Here is Hakeem wearing the same clothes and looking quite a bit like Dequan.

Baby Javari

Here is Javari around the same age.


  1. 3 fina guldklimpar!!! Leiah ska förresten börja med engelska nu i skolan..då sa hon att hon kan börja prata med Hakeem å Javari sen! ;) /Ullebulle

  2. Ah vad bra, det blir lite roligare da. Dequan far hora mest svenska av mig sa han lar ju fatta battre.
